KOSHER….Firstly,the question arises in our mind is that..What is Kosher? Kosher refers to anything that is fit and healthy for consumption.
Food , no doubt , is one of the basic amenities and thus food safety should be one of the main concern . Food failures can be life taking
Hazard analysis and critical control point is abbreviated as HACCP. The main aim of HACCP is to reduce hazards in food production.
ISO 9001:2015 specifies the requirements that an organization need for maintaining its quality and standard.It is basically a service documentation
With the aim of exporting or importing our product, it is better to have our product as kosher certified as it demonstrates the quality. Kosher certification on your products will increase their marketability because more and more people are concerned about what Kosher Certification in India they put into their bodies and where their food comes from. Kosher is a trustable symbol which assures the purity, quality and safety of food. Some people preferred kosher as it depicts health properties while the other gives preference to kosher due to its high standards and assured quality. It is calculated that more than $140 billion of Kosher certified products are consumed on annual basis and the number is continuously Kosher Certification in India rising ahead. It means that the market is increasing exponentially for kosher labeled food.
Kosher certification India is a global certification agency that will help you to obtain internationally acceptable Kosher certification. Kosher certification India is a reputated agency in the name of kosher certification all over the world. Our international associate is well known all over the world for their work and reputation. Our team experts Kosher Certification in India will help you at every step to obtain the internationally acceptable kosher certification.
People from different communities such as Christian, Muslim and from more communities switch over to kosher due to its numerous benefits.
In today’s time, everyone is approaching towards Kosher labeled food as it provides quality and safety. High quality of purity is represented by Kosher symbol. Internationally acceptable global certification helps the food manufacturers and Kosher Certification in India producers to open up their trade globally.
Number of people asked the same question that, why kosher supervision is needed? Now, the simple question arises that one may ask: shouldn’t potato chips and cereals be essentially kosher as they are not made from meat, fowl, fish, or insects or related to dairy item? The correct answer is, every ingredient unit as well as sub unit must be kosher certified. A cereal comes in the category of non-kosher if it contains flavoring which is extracted from non-kosher animal. If the vegetable oil used for making potato chips has been deodorized and pasteurized on the same equipment that is used for Kosher Certification in India making non-kosher food items can push the potato chips in the category of non-kosher. Actually, the fact is equipments that are used in the production of non-kosher products cannot be used in the process of production of kosher products without kosherization procedure which is a hot purging Kosher Certification in India procedure.
In general, Kosher labeled product demonstrates the quality, nutritional value, excellence and beneficence this is the reason that the kosher is preferable across the world.
KOSHER….Firstly,the question arises in our mind is that..What is Kosher?
Kosher basically defines the set of guidelines that Kosher Certification in India how the food should be processed, consumed as well as the selection of foods according to the guidelines mentioned. Kosher Certification India will provide you the globally acceptable Kosher certification.
Kosher specifications are according to the dietary laws mentioned in Jews. Kosher label can be carried by that food product or beverage if each ingredient used in Kosher Certification in India them such as colorants, additives, process, preservatives, methods and equipments are completely compliant with the kosher specifications.
Before the manufacturer can apply the kosher logo on his product, the production process is approved Kosher Certification in India by the kosher auditor.
Strict rules in Kosher defines that if the same equipment is used for the production of kosher food that has been used for the production of non kosher food than the specific food cannot carry the Kosher Certification in India kosher label for long.
Kosher depicts that the food is fit and healthy for consumption. Kosher label on the food product demonstrates that the kosher food is obtained from the certified kosher process and using certified kosher ingredients.
Kosher certification India will help you to know about kosher in detail. Foods are divided into three basic categories: meat, dairy Kosher Certification in India and pareve. Meat and dairy products may not be cooked or eaten together. Pareve refers to “neutral” foods, which may be enjoyed with either meat or dairy. Kosher definitions according to food Kosher Certification in India categories are as.
Food, that does not contain dairy or meat components is termed Pareve. Fruits, vegetables, grains, fish and eggs are considered eligible for Pareve label. It is must to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any lurking insects. It is to be noted that Pareve foods should not be processed in the equipments above 40 deg. C and that are used to Kosher Certification in India process meat or dairy products. Although fish is considered kosher but all species of fishes are not kosher ,the only fish species that have fins and scales which can be removed easily are considered kosher. Tuna, sole, plaice and salmon are kosher. Species of fish that are considered as non-kosher are shark,eels,shellfish, monkfish,huss,sturgeon and catfish. Fish by products are certified as kosher only if derived from kosher fish such as roe and fish oil as well as gelatine .Similarly Eggs are considered as kosher certified if they are obtained from kosher birds and do not carry any blood spots.
According to Bible, only specific animals and birds are considered as kosher such as Buffalo, Goats and Sheep. In birds Chicken, turkey, goose and duck are considered as kosher. It is must that slaughter of animals and birds follow Jewish laws. Salting and roasting process is needed to remove the blood and the process of salting and Kosher Certification in India roasting is supervised by a rabbi..
Kosher label is offered to the dairy products if the products are made from the milk of the kosher animals .Cholov Yisroel, an strict supervision made by strictly Kosher Certification in India orthodox communities, it is particularly implemented in the manufacture of cheese in which rennet is used, derived from animal intestines or stomach.
It is must that wine, wine vinegar and grape juice follows jews from start to finish for getting qualified and approval for the kosher label. Kosher certification is required for the product that uses grape flavoring or grape additives.
Bread can carry kosher at two levels. In addition to the two levels, it is must that bread or similar products complies with the regular kosher norms. These two levels are Pas Palter refers to the bread made by a non-Jewish professional baker and Pas Yisroel refers to the bread baked by Jews in accordance with age old Jewish methods. Orthodox Jews gives preference to Pas Yisroel while for others Pas Palter is acceptable.
All insects come in the category of non-kosher, now the need is to pay attention towards fruits and Kosher Certification in India vegetables that they should be free from insects for getting certified for the kosher label..
The Jews celebrate Passover for 8 days during springtime and during this period it is expressly forbidden to partake of fermented food or beverages made using barley, oat, spelt, rye and wheat. During Passover, even the utensils cannot be used by one that is used for cooking or Kosher Certification in India preparing foods using the above ingredients.
The market for Kosher Certified foods is growing exponentially with an astounding rate and it is estimated to be worth over $ 165 billion. Getting Kosher certified is a way to tap into a growing consumer base all over the world. Kosher foods represents that they are safe to consume and have Kosher Certification in India quality . If we look at the benefits of kosher, the cost of kosher certification is little. Kosher symbol on the product demonstrates the quality and safety in compliance with the standards of the kosher food laws. The overall procedure of making food, and how they were prepared and Kosher Certification in India outsourced, the complete manufacturing comes under the certification and gives assurance of quality, safety and integrity of food. Kosher symbol generates trust and specifies high standards.
Kosher symbol on the food product makes consumer relax and provides peace of Kosher Certification in India mind as they are using quality product.
Kosher certified food specifies the health properties, assured quality and safety of the food.
Kosher symbol on the food product helps to improve your brand image and to increase revenues. Kosher certified food increases marketability and open trade in a global giant market.
Kosher certification India will provide you the application form through mail. Fill in the application form for a free initial assessment. We treat all information as confidential and you are under no obligation to pursue the process.
Application will be assessed by our experts for Kosher Certification in India initial confirmation and kosher certification. Moving forward with a quotation which is based on the products and its process of manufacturing. Even at this stage you are under no obligation to proceed further.
Our Expert will visit your location to study and review manufacturing facility based on the information Kosher Certification in India collected from your documents .The main objective of inspection is to clear the details related to ingredient and the manufacturing equipment and prepare report.
After the confirmation of the compliance with all the requirement of the kosher. Kosher Certificate is issued and logo you can put on Kosher Certification in India your product packaging.
After getting certificate, you can use the Kosher logo Kosher Certification in India on your product.